RAMADAN APPEAL – World Forum for Sri Lankan Muslims [WFSLM]

“Indeed, Allah will not change the condition of people until they change what is in themselves.” [Qur’an – 13:11]

Coronavirus. Conflict. Climate change. Humanity hangs in the balance, as we face the worst calamities in living memory.

Ramadan is the month that Muslims all over the world count down to each year. It is one of the most important times of the year, and a time that brings huge reward. It is a month focusing on devotion, mercy and the chance to draw closer to Allah (swt). It is the perfect time for us to sincerely seek forgiveness, reflect on our own blessings and give to those in need. It is a time for us to reflect on how fortunate and blessed we really are, and to experience a fraction of the suffering some of our brothers and sisters world wide.

World Forum has embarked on a project of a different nature – To support and educate our underprivileged and needy students who are unable to afford to improve their education standard due to financial strain, as some of them are orphans, parents are very poor and on govt. handout for their daily bread.

WFSLM will support above categorised underprivileged students to enter universities.

The project is in motion and we need the generosity of our brothers and sisters in this holy month of Ramadhan to support the WFSLM Education Project, to give your Zakat, Sadaka.

As you know Education is KEY to the success of our Community- it is our bounden duty to enhance the education standard of our future generation in Srilanka- Please Do Not Miss this great opportunity to make your PLEDGE- and register your contribution for the sake of Allah in this great month of GIVING.

Don’t hesitate, donate to our Ramadan Appeal now.

In our faith we are taught that in the month of Ramadan, the reward of every good deed is multiplied 70 times by Allah (swt). This means every time we do an act of worship, make a generous donation to a worthy project or feed another, it will be as though we have done so 70 times!

Don’t miss out on the opportunities to have your rewards multiplied and bountiful.

Your donations will mean that a generation of future professionals coming out of universities and in turn give their knowledge and skills back to the community and country.

Happy Ramadhan Kareem

We Thank the members who have already pledge for their generosity.

We need more of our members and their families, friends and well wisher and supporters of WFSLM to join in the reward of Allah and to grow their BARAKA, DO NOT delay. Be haste in your charity for multiple

Reward Do not regret the missed opportunity, be part of our project.



Rizwan Wahab
Secretary General
World Forum Fir Srilankan Muslims
[email protected]
[email protected]

Disclaimer :

Views expressed by writers in this section are their own and do not necessarily reflect World Forum for Sri Lankan Muslims (wfslm.org) point-of-view.

About wfsm

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